
Saturday, October 13, 2018


Idiom:     A bitter pill or A bitter pill to swallow.
Explanation: A situation or information that is unpleasant but must be accepted. A bitter pill to swallow is a truth that people do not want to face but one that cannot be avoided. Like a pill must be swallowed, this fact must be taken in.
Example: Regret is a bitter pill to swallow. Losing to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.

Idiom: Action speaks louder than words
Explanation: Your action shows your real intention, behavior and attitude. Your words are meaning less until you don’t act accordingly.
Example: A good father does not tell his kids how things should be done, he shows them; after all, actions speak louder than words.

Idiom: A dime a dozen.
Explanation: Very common and of no particular value.
Example: Experts in this field are a dime and dozen.

Idiom: Add insult to injury.
Explanation: To act in a way that makes a bad or displeasing situation worse.
Example: The airline cancelled my flight, then to add insult to injury, they told me I had to wait 24 hours for the next flight.

Idiom: All ears
Explanation: Listening fully focused or awaiting an explanation.
Example: Talk to me, I am all ears.

Idiom: Barking up the wrong tree.
Explanation: Accusing the wrong person. Looking in the wrong place.

Idiom: Beat around the bush
Explanation: Avoiding the main issue.

Idiom: Bed of roses
Explanation: an easy and comfortable situation.
Example: Life is not a bed of roses.

Idiom: Call it a day
Explanation: to declare end of a task

Idiom: Can’t judge the book by its cover.
Explanation: Cannot judge something primarily on appearance

Idiom: Cat nap
Explanation: To have a light sleep

Idiom: Couch potato
Explanation: A Lazy person

Idiom: Cry over spilt milk
Explanation: When you complain about a loss from the past.

Idiom: Curiosity killed the cat.
Explanation: Being inquisitive can lead  to an unpleasant situation.

Idiom: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Explanation: Don’t put all resources in one possibility.
Example:  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. (Warren Buffett)

Idiom: Have a blast.
Explanation: To have a good time.

Idiom: Hit the road
Explanation: To begin a journey

Idiom: Hit the hay
Explanation: To go to bed.

Idiom: It takes two to tango
Explanation: Actions and communications need more than one person.

Idiom: Kill two birds with one stone.
Explanation: To accomplish two different things at same time.

Idiom: Miss the boat
Explanation: Someone missed his chance.

Idiom: Off the hook
Explanation: To escape situation of obligation.

Idiom: Pushing up daisies
Explanation: Euphemism for dying a death.

Idiom: Picture paints a thousand words.
Explanation: A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.

Idiom: Piece of cake.
Explanation: A task that is easy.

Idiom: Once in a blue moon.
Explanation: Happens very rarely.

Idiom: He is big fish
Explanation: Being the leader.

Idiom: Spill the beans
Explanation: To reveal someone’s secret.

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